Available in 20 lb. pails, ShapeCrete can be found online at HomeDepot.com, where a Ship-to-Home option is FREE with a $45 order or a Ship Free to Store option is also available to a location nearest you.
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Visit CHENG Concrete Exchange, exclusive retailer of ShapeCrete Color and ShapeCrete Sealer, in stock and ready to ship anywhere in North America.
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CUSTOMER REVIEWS from HomeDepot.com
Great Product, Even Better Support
"This is one of the coolest things I have seen in a long time. I do a lot of woodworking and sometimes I like to mix other materials in my projects. Concrete has always been on my list, but traditionally it's too hard to work with in the manor I would need to.
Until now. I've only scratched the surface with ShapeCrete but with the tests I've done with it, I can tell it's going to open a lot of possibilities. The ShapeCrete website is full of projects, tips, and instructions. The videos and articles are really detailed and well produced. They do a great job of getting anyone started making things from Concrete.
This is a very well thought out product. It actually works as advertised, is very reasonably priced, and above all is very well supported and documented."
joelav22, Agawam, MA
Great Alternative to Clay "If you are someone who likes to go to the local pottery shop to make items out of clay, then this will be a material that you'll fall in love with right away. Shapecrete is as easy to mold and sculpt as clay is. The advantage of this product is that you don't have to own your own kiln to dry your sculpture or make time to get down to the pottery shop. You can sculpt by hand or with tools it into whatever you can dream up. When you are all done set it aside and let it dry for about 24 hours. When this hardens it is as tough as concrete. It is extremely durable and can be painted or stained. The options are pretty much limitless.
Mixing this material couldn't be any easier. Follow the mixing instructions to get the desired consistency --- Clay Like Mixture (Thicker) vs. Casting Like Mixture (Thinner). Simply add water and let your creative side take over. You will have approximately 30 to 45 minutes, which depends on your consistency, of work time once you have completed mixing the material."
gmjawx, Milford, PA
Kinda Fun"I have to say, I was intrigued by malleable concrete. I picked up these very cool green translucent leaves at a thrift store and decided to give hypertufa a try. I never did get to the hypertufa; it's not nearly as easy to mix and set up as this product. It takes a lot longer to cure; this concrete is good in 24 hours.
I like that you can mix for a clay or pour consistency. It makes the product useful for many applications (especially when making planters or garden art). I'm a garden art junkie, so this was right up my ally. It was fun and pretty easy to use."
artemis, New Port Richey, FL
Great Product!"I'm a crafty person and Halloween is my big thing so I'm always looking for products to use in the construction of my home haunt.
I came across this product and decided to try it in a skull mold. It worked great! If you've used concrete products before then you'll be familiar with the mixing process. Very easy to use. My mold is made of plastic and I coated it with Vaseline so it slid out easily without sticking. I didn't work on a project where I'd need to roll or shape the material so I can't speak to it acting like clay.
The only critique I have of the product is that I wish the bucket had a handle, just to make it easier to move around."
Really neat product. Requires some practice and a fair amount of creativity."This is a really neat product. It's a concrete mix with embedded fibers and a consistency that lets you shape and mold the concrete while wet. Based on my experience, it isn't nearly as firm or moldable like clay, but you can definitely produce complex shapes with intricate detail. But you can also add a little more water to create a mix that will easily pour into mold.
My challenge is figuring out how to make creative and interesting uses of ShapeCrete. I need to watch some videos to get ideas on concrete projects and crafts. As an initial test, I created a simple mold using a cardboard coffee "can" and a water bottle, making a very basic vertical flower pot / vase. Mixing and pouring the ShapeCrete was relatively simple, and after a few days, I was able to peel off the cardboard coffee can and pull out the water bottle.
The next test was giving some to my kids to have them make something. They had a good time and we learned how the thicker mix behaves and how it can be shaped.
I really like the product and will try and think of more projects and crafts for ShapeCrete."
L111, Los Angeles, CA
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